Neil Ventures

Corporate Finance Sell Side Advisory Services​

Conduct strategy planning, deal structuring, valuation, documentation and analysis​

Strategy & Preparation

Market Sounding

Data Room & DD Coordination ​


Deal Structing & Negotiation

Transaction Documentation​

Deal Closing Support

Post Closing Support​

The key scope of work for a sell-side advisor typically includes:

  • Valuation: Conducting a thorough valuation analysis of the business to determine its fair market value and help set realistic expectations for the sale.
  • Preparation of marketing materials: Creating compelling and comprehensive marketing materials, such as an information memorandum or a pitch deck, to showcase the business to potential buyers.
  • Identifying and contacting potential buyers: Utilizing an extensive network and industry expertise to identify and approach suitable potential buyers who may have an interest in acquiring the business.
  • Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements: Drafting and managing the execution of confidentiality agreements to protect sensitive information during the sale process.
  • Due diligence coordination: Assisting with the due diligence process by coordinating requests for information, facilitating data room access, and ensuring timely and accurate responses to buyer inquiries.
  • Negotiation and deal structuring: Providing guidance and support during negotiations with potential buyers to achieve the best possible terms and deal structure for the seller.
  • Transaction management: Overseeing the overall transaction process, including coordinating with legal and financial advisors, managing timelines, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Closing the deal: Assisting with the finalization of legal documentation, coordinating the signing and closing process, and facilitating the smooth transition of ownership to the buyer.
  • Post-closing support: Providing support during the post-closing period, which may include assisting with any remaining transition activities and addressing any potential issues that may arise.
  • Maximizing value: Advising on strategies to maximize the value of the transaction, such as optimizing the timing of the sale, identifying potential synergies, or exploring alternative deal structures.

Equity Research and Analysis

Provides research coverage across geographies, multiple industries and market caps.

Our analysts specialize in conducting thorough fundamental research, employing a comprehensive approach that goes beyond traditional financial statement analysis and valuation. Our process encompasses management interviews, company visits, channel checks, and consultations with industry experts. This multifaceted methodology allows us to gain a holistic overview of a company’s securities and their prospects. 

Leveraging on the extensive industry and transaction experience of our team members, we deliver unique and reliable insights in our research and advice.

Objective Setting

Data Collection

Industry Analysis

Company Analysis


Market Trends

Prepare Report

Our research methodology

Performing equity research and analysis involves several key steps. Firstly, it is crucial to define the research objective and specify the areas of focus. This helps in determining the scope and purpose of the analysis. Secondly, gather relevant and accurate data from diverse sources, including financial statements, market reports, and news outlets. This data forms the foundation for the subsequent analysis.

The next phase involves conducting a comprehensive analysis of both the financial and non-financial aspects. By evaluating the company’s financial statements, assessing ratios, and analyzing industry dynamics, competitive landscape, and market conditions, insights are obtained regarding the company’s financial health and its position within the industry. Additionally, assessing the company’s business model, management team, products/services, and growth prospects allows a holistic understanding of its potential for success.

Following the analysis, valuation methods are utilized to estimate the intrinsic value of the company’s stock. This involves applying various techniques including discounted cash flow and use of multiples. The analysis also needs to be updated with market trends, macroeconomic factors, and regulatory changes that could impact the company’s performance or investment thesis. Finally, investment recommendations based on the analysis, including the rationale, risks, and potential value ranges, can be generated and presented in the research report.

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